ExCarBon Meetings

The annual meetings are used to discuss and present progress reports on all subprojects. ExCarBon PIs and researchers accompanying the projects (PostDocs and PhD students) as well as Mercator Fellow Brian Johnstone attend these meetings. Typically, the meetings last 2 half days with a joint dinner on the first evening.

26.04.2016   Kick off Meeting at the University of Regensburg (AG Grässel)
14.-15.02.2017   Meeting at the University of Heidelberg (AG Richter)
01.-02.05.2018   Meeting at the LMU Munich (AG Aszodi)
07.-08.02.2019   Meeting at the University Essen-Duisburg (AG Vortkamp)
02.07.2020   Kick off Meeting: Excarbon Extension at the University of Regensburg (AG Grässel)
17.-18.06.2021   Meeting at the University of Göttingen (AG Schilling)
24.-25.03.2022   Meeting at the University of Heidelberg (AG Richter)
30.-31.03.2023   Meeting at the Goethe University Frankfurt / Main (AG Jenei-Lanzl)
25.-26.04.2024   Meeting at the LMU Munich (AG Aszodi)


Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Susanne Grässel

University Hospital Regensburg

Orthopedic Surgery, Div. Experimental Orthopedics

Biopark I - ZMB

Am Biopark 9

D-93053 Regensburg


Tel.: +49 (0) 941 943 5065

Fax: +49 (0) 941 943 5066

E-mail: susanne.graessel@ukr.de